Caregiver and Parental Coaching

Caring for children and adolescents is one of the most rewarding and difficult jobs a human being can take on. Caretaking in grief can feel almost unimaginable. Every parent and caregiver deserves support and partnership as they work to attune to their child’s needs, help them understand the circumstances of a death, and respond to the emotional and behavioral shifts that can occur after loss. To this end, I often work directly with caregivers, providing guidance on how to support their grieving child or teenager.

 Parents and caregivers I work with may wonder:

  • What should I tell my child? What words are appropriate for explaining death, dying, and grief to a child of my age?

  • They may wonder, “How do I explain the circumstances of the person’s death to a child?” For example, “how do I explain brain death, organ donation, transition to hospice,  death by overdose, or death by suicide?”

  • How can we help our child make the most of their time with a loved-one who is at end-of-life?

  • What is a “typical” response for a child of this age?

  • What can I do to support my child at this time?

Through holistic, developmentally-informed Caregiver coaching, we can embark on a journey together to:

Find the words when there are no words. Learn language and approaches for explaining death, dying, and grieving to children and adolescents of all ages. We will partner to find the language that works best to help your child understand the circumstances.

Attune to your child’s needs. Together we will reflect on your child’s expressed thoughts and behaviors and practice supportive responses.

Build relationship with your child.

Discover parenting techniques and strategies to support your child’s emotional, behavioral, and relational needs as they navigate the grief process.

If you could use support CARING FOR a grieving child, I can help.  


Coaching begins with a virtual consultation to discuss your goals for your child and family’s wellbeing. Schedule an initial consultation to speak with me further about how I might support your family.